Yoga foam block – burgundy

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Yoga foam block – burgundy

The hard foam block is a super light aid for yoga practice. The yoga block was developed with a focus on light weight, dimensional stability and robustness. The low weight of the yoga block also pays off, especially when it comes to transport and travel. Yoga blocks are often and happily used in yoga classes to simplify or intensify certain postures.

You can use the yoga block, for example, to support the hands in standing postures such as Trikonasana, or as a support for the hands in the peacock posture (Mayurasana) or to support the hips in the bridge posture (Setubandha-Sarvangasana), for just a few To name examples. The yoga block allows you to tailor exercises to your needs and make more progress. For beginners or less agile yogis, some postures that cannot be taken without a block can only be achieved through their use. For advanced users, the yoga block can also be used to make asanas even more demanding and e.g. to increase a certain stretch.


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